Team members across Tyson Foods recently celebrated our second annual Animal Welfare Awareness Week (AWAW). This year’s theme centered on our devotion as team members and an organization caring for Every animal. Every day.
Tyson Foods is committed to being a leader in animal welfare by providing compassionate care based on sound science and good management practices, and Animal Welfare Awareness Week is a celebratory reminder of our commitment across the globe. From Tennessee to Thailand, team members worldwide gathered this year for activities that included cookouts, games, lectures and more to show their enthusiasm for animal welfare.

AWAW 2023 also brought an opportunity for all team members to recommit themselves to animal handling and care that is grounded in the Five Domains framework, validated by Key Welfare Indicators and supported by the accountability within our 100/0 and “See It? Stop It!” programs.
The Five Domains Framework is an actionable approach to animal welfare that promotes the four domains — nutrition, physical environment, health and behavior opportunities — which ultimately contribute to the fifth domain, the mental state of the animal. Tyson Foods’ Key Welfare Indicators (KWIs) are observations that can be measured, monitored and managed to assess and/or improve animal welfare. KWIs are also objective, regardless of production system, and include quantifying the impact of environment and management on welfare outcomes.
Both the Five Domains and Key Welfare Indicators are supported by Tyson Foods’ two accountability programs for animal welfare. The first program is 100/0, which highlights how all our team members are 100% accountable for proper handling and care of animals with zero excuses. The second program — See It? Stop It! — empowers team members to report animal welfare concerns, including the option to report to a third-party, anonymous ethics and compliance hotline supporting multiple languages.
While Animal Welfare Awareness Week is only one celebratory week out of the year, it represents the daily commitment Tyson Foods and its team members have to animal welfare. We’re proud of the continuous effort we’re making to care for Every animal. Every day.