Every voice deserves to be heard. And this year, we want to do our part to increase voter participation by equipping our team members to vote in the November 3 general election.
We’ve joined a coalition of U.S. companies representing more than 2 million workers who’ve come together for a nonpartisan movement called Time To Vote. But that’s not all. Here’s a look at what else we’re doing to guide team members through the voting process.
Voter Registration Drives
To celebrate National Voter Registration Day, we’re hosting weeklong (September 21-25) voter registration drives at all Tyson Foods locations.
Due to COVID-19 and the safety measures we have in place, all booths will be unoccupied. However, team members can pick up a blank voter registration form, and get information on alternative ways to register, like via text through I am a voter – or through our Tyson Good Government website.

Each booth will also have information for team members interested in becoming a U.S. citizen.
At the end of the week, we’ll mail in all the completed forms to have eligible team members ready to vote in the general election.
Voting Toolkit
We’ve also put together a voting toolkit for each of our plants to utilize. It includes flyers and information in 9 languages on the educational, GED, ESL and citizenship assistance available to team members through Tyson Foods.
It is our hope that every team member who is eligible to become a U.S. citizen will take advantage of this assistance so they may vote in the next election cycle.
Good Government Website
Once a team member is registered to vote, they may visit what we call our “Good Government website,” which provides supplemental information on election basics, top issues, local candidates, and local polling stations with their operating hours.
Citizenship Opportunities
Finally, we want to inspire others by highlighting team members who have earned their citizenship with the help of Tyson Foods’ Upward Academy. People like Godo Solis, who has worked at our distribution center in Rogers, Arkansas for 25 years and immigrated from El Salvador in the mid-90s.
Last year, just before Thanksgiving, he became a naturalized citizen. Godo’s Upward Academy instructor, Kelly Griffis, surprised him by coming to the ceremony.
“Godo is the first student of mine who has successfully completed his citizenship that I’m aware of,” Kelly said. “When you’re watching someone you care about getting their citizenship, it’s emotional,” she said. “I shed a few tears.”
This year, Godo will get to exercise his right to vote in the November election. It’s something he’s sure to be proud of – and want others to join him in as well.
By committing to vote, our team members are showing what makes us #TysonTogether.